The Screen Queen
I have to do something with these commentaries. Here on the Screen Queen, I host the show that puts an end to the term show stopper, because the show never stopped. There is so much to say about how a movie is made, its impact and more importantly how you choose how want to be entertained. This is how I choose to be entertained, and I get to share that now. You get episodes about commentaries, movie lists, hot topics, conversations with other movie fans, and all the new stuff in store, stay tuned to find out. New Episodes every second Friday!
Enjoy the show.
Samantha Parrish @thequeenofthescreen
The Screen Queen
Kill Bill
For The fourth episode of Anniversary August is the Fourth film of Quinten Tarantino. Because Vol. 2 came out in 04, I granted a pass for the bride to be talked about on The Screen Queen. You’ll get to hear the origin story behind Kill Bill, who was almost Bill, and how one of the cast made a rebutted against the aftermath of her character.
Part 1: Opening
VOL 1:
-The Birth of the bride
-The first choice of Bill
-The Restricted Restrictions
-The Reaction to O-REN
-My Favoirte part
VOL 2:
-The Kill in Kill Bill
-The Ellie Driver Fight
-Daryl Hannah and Uma Thurman (Trigger Warning)
-Kill Bill 3?
What will be on the final episode of Anniversary August???
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